
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Our little ones these days are active little friends aren't they???  I know I am always looking for and creating new ways to get them moving while learning.  My new product on TpT is all about walking to learn!  Walk-A-Story gets children up to use cute little footprints to retell stories in different ways.  We begin with First, Next, Then, and Last.  Scenario cards help students retell simple tasks, like making chocolate milk, before using them to retell longer stories.  Next, we move into Beginning, Middle, and End and Somebody, Wanted, But, So.
For math, we use the footprints to practice counting by 5's and 10's to 100.  We practice putting the feet in order in different paths:  circular, zig-zag, race-track, etc.  Then we simply walk and count!
Check it out on my TpT site...click on the link below!


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