Busy, Busy, Busy!
Is it me, or is teaching getting more and more demanding?!?!? I feel like every time I get something accomplished, I have ten more things on my "to do" list! This week we had report cards due, the TEMI math assessment to grade, conferences to get ready for, and RTI meetings! AAHHHH!
Yet, I still made time to make a class set of Rekenreks, have you heard of them?
The newest math tool to get students subitizing, understanding number combinations, building addition and subtraction skills...
I used heavy duty card stock (like what you use to frame a picture), pipe cleaners and two colors of beads. Funny, to me they look like what I created a few years back using two colors of beads and a shoestring! I think I posted on them here. Mine had 10 and 10 however, rather than 5 and 5. Guess I was a little ahead of my time! So far the kids are enjoying them, and I am learning all the ins and outs of how to use them...higher level questioning etc.
Christmas Holiday Cards
2 months ago
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