Oh, my goodness!!!! I cannot believe that school starts on Monday! Isn't it funny how we prepare for weeks and weeks and we still never feel like we're ready???? I have so many check lists going that I feel like I'm running in circles! Not to mention that only 2 printers are working at our school right now, and neither of those are color! So, off I go to buy more ink for my printer, and guess what...my printer now, no longer works either!!!!! AAAAAhhhh! Oh, well...take it in stride, right?
Even with all the hurdles, I always look forward to the beginning of school, like a little kid, I get restless with anticipation! I hope you are too!
For the past two days, our staff has been involved in some extraordinary training by Eric Jensen. He has done extensive brain research and specializes in Poverty and the Brain. Being at a Title 1 campus, I am always trying to learn more about how to reach my kids and truly change their lives. I think we have found someone who really "gets it"! He has so many common sense ideas about reaching these kids and truly changing their lives.
One thing Eric kept saying over and over, "You have more influence on these kid's lives than you think". Wow, that's good to hear. Another one was reaffirming to my own thoughts, "IQ is NOT fixed!" If you've ever felt you had unmotivated kids, check him out...in his words..."there is no such thing as an unmotivated kid, only kids in unmotivated states!", and sadly enough, many teachers contribute to this! We must notice their states, and then use strategies to change them!
I am pumped for the new school year!
Let's go change some lives...
Good luck and God Bless,
Christmas Holiday Cards
2 months ago
Good luck with the beginning days Diane! Everything will fall into place soon!!
Ladybug's Teacher Files